Handmade Jewelry . In making beaded jewelry to customize our look from head to toe, we always want to make a complete body jewelry accessory. From simple pair of earrings, necklace, bracelet, watch, and anklet. Each of these items has its own instruction on how to do it. Here a simple instruction on how to make a simple beaded Anklet:
Materials needed are:
small safety pins (add number of pins that has the same size)
choose large colorful beads that with a hole size that can go through the safety pins links
and small colorful beads with a hole size that can go through the safety pin's sharp end
elastic thin string
The first thing to do is to string the beads on the safety pins one by one. When you are almost about to reach the link, add the large beads. You need to twist and turn the safety pin when you reach the link, this will enable you to push through the small beads to the other of the safety pin. After that, string the large beads on the link. After finishing, close the safety pins to its own buckle. Just continue to do the same step for the rest of other best and safety pins. After creating numbers of it, use a string of elastic and run it through the links of the safety pins on one side and tie it together, make sure to test it first, try to make it pass through your feet till to your ankle without breaking. Using the second elastic string on the other side, run the safety pins buckle through the same way that it will pass through your feet. And that's it, as simple as that you have now your handmade beaded anklet. If you want, you can also create a smaller one to make it a bracelet. You can choose different colors for your design, and to match your different kinds of clothes as well.
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