Monday, December 15, 2008

Environment Friendly Shopping Bags

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Shopping Bags are commonly used by people when they are planning to buy something. Shopping bags differ depending on the market, store, shop, and any establishments which offers any items to purchase. A good thing about Shopping Bags is basically, a useful tool to stock items with ease.

Shopping bags nowadays comes with different style or fashion. There are those shopping Bags in which it is environment friendly. A so called earth friendly shopping bags are made by women in marginalized communities. That is why it is not only that the bag is earth friendly, at the same time it helps women in poor locals for extra livelihood.

The so called environment friendly bags are made from the Philippines.

Why does these bags called environment friendly?, well basic thing is it doesnt harm the environment, in a way that it doesnt produce harmful toxins in the process of decay. In simple thoughts, this bag is biodegradable. It will decay if dumped in a garbage with properties of that of natural degradation of substances such as the leaves and other non synthetic materials. The purpose of the project is to promote a non plastic shopping bags with which it will promote environment friendly shoppers.....more Shopping Bags

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